Deer Isle Yacht Club

Sylvester Cove, Sunset, Maine

Deer Isle Yacht Club 

Board of Governors’ Rules and Procedures 

August 2019

Amended May 2021

Amended May 2022

Amended May 2023



Vision Statement                                                                                   Page 1                                                  

Member Guidelines                                                              Page 2

  • ·       Float Rules
  • ·       Parking Rules
  • ·       Guest Rules
  • ·       Guest Mooring Rules

Membership Rules                                                             Page 4

  • ·       Membership Procedures
  • o   Dues
  • o   New Members
  • ·       Tenant-Charterer Rules

Harbor Committee Rules                                                    Page 6

  • ·       Harbor Committee
  • ·       Harbor Committee Rules
  • o   Appendix A-Recommended Pendant Type and Length
  • o   Appendix B-Recommended Buoy Size
  • ·       Island Use Mooring Rules



The Deer Isle Yacht Club will strive to:

  • Provide safe, dependable and convenient access to Sylvester’s Cove and Penobscot Bay through prioritizing the maintenance of its docks, wharf, moorings, harbor and clubhouse,
  • Focus on services to its membership that emphasize affordability, accessibility and opportunities for engagement with other members and the larger community,
  • Improve communication to and among its members in order to encourage strong community and efficient use of the club and its resources,
  • Encourage and involve its younger membership in the management and leadership of the club and its resources.

Adopted May 2019

                                                   MEMBER GUIDELINES

Float Rules


The face of the main floats is for loading & unloading only. 

·       No boat shall be left unattended on the face of the main floats. 

·       No boat shall remain longer than necessary with a maximum limit of 1/2 hour. 

·       No boat shall remain overnight or during storms.

·       Boats waiting at the face of the main float should be positioned at one or the other end of the float and not in front of the base of the gangway.


Float mooring space is for dinghies, rowboats and kayaks only. 

·       No boats over 12 feet L.O.A. 

·       No boats with masts stepped. 

·       No boats with engines over 10 HP.  Outboard engines must be kept in the down position to reduce potential damage to other boats.

·       Boats not maintained in shipshape condition may be removed to parking lot at owner’s risk. 

·       Boats shall have fenders to prevent damage to others.

·       Identification Numbers assigned by the club shall be displayed inside the boat transom.  Boats without club assigned numbers may be removed to parking lot at owner’s risk.


There are club-owned rowboats for members’ use to get back and forth to a mooring.  So that they are available for others to use, club owned boats should not be left on a mooring.  "Borrowing" dinghies, oars, pumps, bailers, etc. without permission is not permitted.


Tanks, boat gear, fishing gear, etc. shall not be left on the floats or walkway.

Fishing or cleaning fishon the floats or walkway is not permitted.

Members shall put their last names on their mooring buoys.

Members’ boats shall fly the club burgee while their boats are in the cove.

  • ·       On sailboats the Burgee shall be flown from the masthead using a pigstick or other method.
  • ·       The burgee is not to be flown from a spreader halyard.
  • ·       On power boats, the burgee is displayed at the bow staff.

  By Order of the Board of Governors

Spring, 1994

Amended May, 1999

Amended August, 2010

Amended August 20 

Parking Rules

Parking is for members only.

DIYC Parking Stickers must be displayed.

No overnight parking is allowed from Memorial Day through September 15th

Members should make efforts to park so that there is a maximum amount of space for other cars.

Parking in the designated area across the street is encouraged.

Access to the beach launching ramp should not be blocked.

Trailers should not be parked in the lot except when actively launching or hauling a boat.

Adopted August, 2010

Amended August 2015 

Guest Rules

Visiting Cruisers who are members in good standing of a recognized yacht club are welcome and will be accorded all privileges without the need for introduction.  Visiting yachtsmen shall make every attempt to contact the Harbor Chairman prior to their visit.  The Harbor Chairman will help obtain a mooring for visiting yachtsmen. A substantial guest mooring will be maintained by the club.

House Guests of members who use only boats of their hosts and who are expected to use the Club facilities primarily as guests of the member shall be accorded all Club privileges without charge. House guests shall be accompanied by their host-member.

Dinghy space for a house guest's own or rented dinghy may be assigned if necessary.  The host must make application to the Vice Commodore or Harbor Committee Chairman.

House Guests owning a boat or chartered boat, and using the club facilities in the manner of a member,shall be subject to the tenant-charterer fee and the host-member shall be liable for such fee.


By Order of the Board of Governors

Guest Mooring Rules

The Deer Isle Yacht Club maintains two (2) guest moorings for the use of guests of members. One is suitable for yachts up to 35 feet L.O.A., the other is suitable for yachts to 65 feet L.O.A. Please note the following:

  • ·       Guests or host-members shall contact the Harbor Committee when using the guest moorings, so it is known who to contact, if necessary.
  • ·       Use of the moorings is on a first-come, first-served basis and may not be reserved in any manner.
  • ·       The maximum stay shall be for three (3) nights.
  • ·       No charge shall be made for the use of the moorings.
  • ·       Members should not use the moorings except in an emergency.
  • ·       A Tenant / Charterer Membership does not confer any right to use the guest moorings.
  • ·       The Club does not guarantee the adequacy or safety of the moorings and assumes no responsibility by allowing the use of the moorings.

The Harbor Committee should be contacted if there are any questions or concerns about the use of the guest moorings at

Spring, 1994

Amended August, 2010

Amended August 2015

Amended May 2021


Deer Isle Yacht Club Membership Committee Procedures

Fully Revised January 2022


Schedule of Dues

The schedule of dues and fees adopted by the Board of Governors is as follows: Annual membership payments are due no later than May 31st of each year. 

Annual Dues

·          Class I - Senior Individual or Family Membership, Age 28 or over as of January 1 -  $345
·          Class II - Junior Individual or Family Membership, Ages 23 through 27 as of January 1 - $50
·          Class III - Honorary Membership – None
·          Quinn Family Members – Capped at $195
·         Original Wharf Rights Holders - $100 Fees
·          One-time New Member Admission Fee - $2500
·         Annual Mooring Fee- $150



At the discretion of the Treasurer, an unpaid dues penalty of up to 100% of dues owed may be    assessed for dues postmarked after June 30th.


Admission of new members:

The Membership Committee will consider the following when reviewing an application for membership:

  • ·       Applicant's interest in boating and the club, regardless of whether a mooring is available 
  • ·       Anticipated participation, potential leadership and willingness to serve
  • ·       Demand placed on club facilities, e.g. mooring in cove or off island, dingy at float


The Chairman of the Membership Committee will maintain a list of people being proposed for membership in chronological order.

III. Admissions Procedures


A.    All candidates shall be sponsored in writing by a member and shall be seconded in writing by at least one other member who is not an immediate member of the sponsor’s family. 


B.     Sponsors and seconders must be members in good standing for at least five and three years, respectively, in order to propose a candidate. 


C.     Sponsors and seconders are restricted to proposing members once every five years. 


D.    Sponsors must supply at least three names of members to whom the candidate has been introduced. If necessary, this introduction can be accomplished by “meet and greets” hosted by the sponsor either in person or via zoom with the help and support of the Membership Committee.


E.     The timeline for becoming a member is as follows:

Timeline for Application (July 1- May 31)

  • July: Deadline for submission of applications by the sponsoring member to the Membership Chair. Completed application includes application and letters of recommendation. Upon receipt of a completed application, the Membership chair assigns it to a member of the Membership Committee.


  •  July-December: The assigned Membership Committee member interviews the candidate(s) and verifies application with sponsor and members to whom the candidate has been introduced. The Membership Committee member then makes a recommendation on the application to the Membership Committee. 
  • January: the Membership Committee reviews the application and the reviewing committee member’s recommendation and votes on whether the candidate’s application should be moved forward.
  • February: Names of candidates are “posted”: Membership receives email with candidate(s) name for review and is asked to submit any comments or information about candidates that would help the Membership Committee make a decision within 30 days. Should member have comments about the candidate, the member replies to email requesting a call from a member of the membership committee.
  •  March-May: The Membership Committee votes on the Candidate’s application. Admission is subject to the approval of four out of five members of the Membership Committee, in accordance with the Membership Committee procedures.
  • Memorial Day: The Membership Committee’s recommendation for admission is presented to the Board of Governor’s (BOG) at the Memorial Day meeting 

o The BOG votes on the Membership Committee’s recommendation.

o Candidates become members June 1, subject to their payment of relevant fees


  • June: A letter announcing candidates’ admission will be sent to the membership. 


  • August: New members will be formally introduced to the membership at the Annual Meeting.


  • Wait list: Candidates not admitted for membership because no vote was taken on their application will be placed on a waiting list.

F.     Onboarding of New Member(s):

It is the responsibility of the Chairman of the Membership Committee or his/her delegate to: 

  • Notify and welcome the new member via email,
  • Email the new member a copy of the By-Laws, facilities restrictions, notice of summer activities and annual meeting,
  • Email or call prior to the annual meeting to invite the new member to attend,  and introduce the new member at meeting.
  • Notify the Commodore and Treasurer for billing purposes.


Amended May 26, 2001

Amended para III.2 August 24, 2001

Amended August, 2010

Amended May 2012, incorporating all changes from 8.2010 and 5.2012 Amended August 2013

Amended August 2015

Amended August 2021

          Complete Revision Adopted May 2022

Spring, 1994


Tenant Charterer Rules 

The Board of Governors has voted to establish a tenant-charterer fee for non-members who rent a house or charter a boat from a member of the club and who use the club facilities and participate in the Club activities in the manner of a member.

  • ·       The tenant-charterer must be sponsored by the host-member who shall be responsible for the payment of the fee. The fee shall be an amount equal to the dues of the host-member. A host-member shall be liable for one tenant-charterer fee per tenant-charterer, and they may collect the fee from their tenant or charterer.
  • ·       The host-member shall be responsible for notifying the Treasurer, the Harbor Committee, and the Membership Committee Chair of tenant-charterer arrangements.
  • ·       The host-member must coordinate the use of a mooring by a tenant-charterer with the Harbor Committee.
  • ·       The host-member shall be responsible for acquainting the tenant or charterer with the Club Rules, and for the conduct of the sponsored tenant-charterer.
  • ·       The Board of Governors shall interpret this rule or any questions which may arise from it and shall have the power to revoke the privileges of the tenant-charterer for any reason deemed sufficient.
  • ·       Dinghy space for a tenant-charterer will be allowed only if space is available.
  • ·       Tenant/Charterer status is limited to two (2) years, after which it is expected the member would propose their tenant or charter for full membership.

Email Contacts:




By Order of the Board of Governors

 April 24, 1971

Para II.3 amended 8/24/01

                    Amended August 2013

Amended August 2015

Amended May 2021


(See MEMBERSHIP RULES FOR Tenant-Charterer Information)

Harbor Committee

The Harbor Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the Board of Governors to oversee moorings used by members in the Cove. 

·       The Harbor Committee shall be comprised of at least 4 club members as the Chairman shall appoint to assist him. . 

·       The Committee shall be responsible for all aspects of administering the Mooring Rules and Regulations in Sylvester’s Cove as part of the Deer Isle Yacht Club.

·       It will also make recommendations to the Board of Governors related to the setting of an overall limit on the number of moorings used by the membership as may be necessary from time to time.

Adopted August 2007

Amended August 2015

Mooring Rules and Regulations

Updated January 1, 2023

The purpose of the Mooring Rules and Regulations is to help protect boats in the mooring field and ensure the safety of everyone using the Cove while maximizing use of the limited resource the Cove represents.  They have evolved over time from experience and identifying what works and what doesn’t.  The fact is that the Cove is poorly protected and subject to significant wind and wave action from the Southwest through to the Northwest.  Whitecaps running through the Cove are not uncommon and sustained Gale Force winds can be expected.  This combination means that mooring gear needs to be adequately sized and properly maintained to minimize the chance of failure.

Failure of equipment in the marine environment can occur at any time but it is most likely to occur during times of extreme weather.  A boat dragging its mooring or plowing through the mooring field because of mooring failure puts other boats at risk.  More significantly, it puts individuals at risk who may feel compelled to assist in the rescue of a boat in distress.  It also has the potential for irreparably damaging the ecology of the Cove if gas or diesel tanks rupture.  Fortunately, no one has been badly hurt yet, but boats have been damaged by “going on the bricks” and hitting other boats and there have been close calls, strained backs, crushed fingers and the like.

These are some of the reasons why the club’s Mooring Rules and Regulations should be adhered to by all members.  The rules will no doubt continue to evolve according to best practices but failure to comply could jeopardize a member’s standing in the club.

The Harbor Committee is responsible for administering the Mooring Rules and Regulations.  Members should contact the Harbor Committee for all things related to moorings.

Communication with the Harbor Committee

  • ·       Initial communication with the Harbor Committee should be via an email sent to
  • ·       Incoming email will be distributed to all Harbor Committee members.  Sender will receive an Auto Response acknowledging receipt. “Thanks for contacting the DIYC Harbor Committee.  One of us will get back to you as soon as we can.  If you don't hear back within a week, feel free to send us another email!  We're all just volunteers, you know....”
  • ·       The Harbor Committee will have a designated a point person to respond to incoming emails, based on topic or request.
  • ·       The Harbor Committee will be copied on initial responses, so others know contact has been made.

Mooring Maintenance

  • ·       All member moorings must be permanent, maintained by the club, and have Harbor committee approved tackle.
  • ·       The condition and adequacy of mooring gear is ultimately the responsibility of the member. However, the Club has found that the only way to ensure moorings are maintained properly is to coordinate the inspection and maintenance of moorings for members on a three-year cycle.  The Harbor Committee will inform members when maintenance is being scheduled for their moorings.  Only high-quality materials of known origin are used.  The Club uses reputable vendors and coordinates the billing and collection of fees for the members’ (and vendors’) convenience.  Members must reimburse the club for expenses associated with the maintenance of the moorings and do so in a timely fashion.
  • ·       Due to changing environmental conditions, it has become apparent that all mooring balls need to be 30-inch diameter hard shells, even for the smaller boats.  The ground tackle needed for the Cove is heavy and coupled with marine growth accumulating over the three-year maintenance cycle, the combined weight can pull smaller mooring balls underwater.

New Moorings

  • ·       Requests for a new mooring should be made in writing to the Harbor Committee.  The request should include the following information:
  • 1.     Length of Boat
  • 2.     Type of Boat (motorboat – inboard or outboard) / sail / row)
  • 3.     Approximate displacement,
  • 4.     How much water the boat draws
  • 5.     Year that the mooring is expected to be needed
  • 6.     Time during summer when mooring is most likely to be occupied.
  • ·       A waiting list will be maintained by the Harbor Committee of members interested in a mooring that is of appropriate size and location for a proposed boat.  The list will be posted on the club’s website.
  • ·       Members who do not currently have a mooring will be placed on the list on a “first come” served basis.
  • ·       Members with an existing mooring but seeking to either get a mooring for a smaller boat (down-sizing) or for a larger boat will be given priority.
  • ·       Members with an existing mooring but seeking an additional mooring will be added to the list on a “first come first served basis”.

Temporary Moorings

  • ·       Members may not place temporary moorings in the cove.

Mooring Sharing

  • ·       Mooring owners are encouraged to make their moorings available to other members when not in use.
  • ·       All sharing of moorings needs to be coordinated by the Harbor Committee
  • ·       Mooring owners will be polled at the beginning of each season to find out when their mooring would be available for sharing.  The results will be captured by the system and accessible to the Harbor Committee for reference purposes
  • ·       Members looking to “borrow” a mooring, will contact the Harbor Committee as soon as their need is known.  Last minute requests are discouraged because of the burden it places on the Harbor Committee.
  • ·       The Harbor Committee will match up appropriate needs (timing, boat size and type, mooring size, location, etc) to the best of its abilities.
  • ·       Once a match is found, the Harbor Committee will put the members in contact with each other so final arrangements can be made.  A reasonable fee of $100 per week is suggested to be paid by a borrowing member directly to the mooring owner.
  • ·       If the mooring ball is not equipped with an approved pennant, the Harbor Committee will provide one (at cost) for the borrower to retain for future use.
  • ·       Members with moorings that are not being used for multiple seasons will be reminded that they risk the loss of mooring privileges.  Moorings being shared will be considered “in use”.
  • ·       By borrowing a mooring, Borrowers agree to hold harmless mooring owners and the club with respect to use of the moorings.

Transfer of Moorings Within a Family

  • ·       Mooring space can be transferred to immediate family members.  This includes the following:

Mother/Father to Daughter/Son

Grandmother/Grandfather to Grandchild

Sister/Brother to Sister/Brother

·       Prior to any transfer, the Harbor Committee should be consulted to ensure there are no unforeseen issues related to how the mooring will be used after the transfer.  For example, only moorings that will be used for similar sized and types of boats can be transferred.

Limit on Number of Moorings Held

  • ·       Members are limited to two moorings in the Cove (situations as of August 2001 are grandfathered).

Sale of Moorings

·       The Harbor Committee must be contacted when a mooring is no longer needed.  It will help coordinate the transfer of the mooring space to the next qualified member on the waiting list.  This may include the purchase of the mooring gear by the club to best manage the transition.

Ruling of Abandonment of Moorings

·       A mooring that has not been used by a member for at least three years will be considered abandoned.  The Harbor Committee will provide 30-day notice to the member of the pending “Ruling of Abandonment”.  After the 30-day notice period has expired, the Harbor Committee may have the exiting mooring gear removed at the member’s expense and facilitate the transfer of the mooring space to the next qualified member on the waiting list.  A mooring that is being actively shared (see above) will not be considered abandoned.

It’s recognized that there is no way to contemplate every situation.  Accordingly, the Harbor Committee will use its best efforts to interpret and apply the rules fairly and in its sole discretion.  Further, it’s recognized that the Harbor Committee has the authority to facilitate meeting the needs of members by creative application of the rules (eg “Horse Trading” and the like).  This may entail the club purchasing a mooring from a member who is no longer using it to facilitate the transfer to another member.

Mooring Rules and Regulations

Appendix A - Pennants

Boat Length

Acceptable Pennant Length

Strongly Recommended*

Commercially Available Brands

Available At

Under 29 Feet

10 Feet

Rockport Ropes 5/8 x 10 ft

Novatec 5/8 x 10 ft

Hamilton Marine # 173378

New England Marine # CO-10-061

30 – 39 Feet

15-16 Feet

Yale Maxi-Moor 5/8 x 16 ft

Novatec 5/8 x 15 ft

Hamilton Marine # 743018

New England Marine # CO-10-063

40 Feet or Over

20 Feet

Yale Maxi-Moor 5/8 x 20 ft

Yale Maxi-Moor 3/4 x 20 ft

Novatec 3/4 x 20 ft

Hamilton Marine # 743019

Hamilton Marine # 743023

New England Marine # CO-10-070

Commercially Available Floatation Kits

·       1/2 inch Diameter - Hamilton Marine Item Number 742610

·       3/4 inch Diameter - Hamilton Marine Item number 742611

Appendix B – Mooring Buoys

Boat Length

Mooring Buoy Size

Strongly Recommended* Commercially Available Brands

Available At

All Moorings



30-Inch Cal June 4404-T-3

30-Inch SUR-MOOR T3C 46375

Or Equivalent

Hamilton Marine # 141858

Note - All mooring buoys should be equipped with galvanized collars for the thru holes

*Should a member wish to use another product, they should check with a member of the Harbor Committee to ensure it meets industry quality levels.

By order of the Board of Governors

Entire rewrite 8/24/01

Amended August, 2010

                              Amended August 2013

Amended August 2015

Amended May 2021

Amended January 2023

Island Use Mooring

Several moorings are maintained by the club for day use by members coming to and from the islands in Penobscot Bay. They are marked on the mooring buoys “Island Use”.  

·       Use of them is on a first-come basis. 

·       Use of any of the moorings is at the boat captain’s risk and the club is not responsible for possible failure or inadequacy of the moorings.