Deer Isle Yacht Club

Sylvester Cove, Sunset, Maine

Deer Isle Yacht Club Committees


Finance Commitee: Chair - Bo Chesney, and at least one other member of the Board of Governors

Race Commitee: Chair - Steve Jacobs, who shall be appointed by the Rear Commodore, and as many additional members as the Chairman shall appoint to assist him. 

House Commitee: Chair-Brad Laslett de facto Chair. Vice-Commodore shall be chairman, and as many additional members as he shall appoint to assist him.

Jr Instruction Committee: Chair-Betsy Robertson. The Junior Instruction Committee shall be comprised of a Chairman who shall be appointed by the Rear Commodore, and as many additional members as the Chairman shall appoint to assist him. 

Membership Committee: Chair - Sam Howe. Other members include Clerk, Treasurer, Chairman appointed by the Commodore, and two Members-At-Large. 

Harbor Committee: Harry Cardwell at least 4 club members that the Chairman shall appoint to assist him

Nominating Committee: Chair - Susan Hitz Scholl. Three members of Class I, II, or III to be appointed annually by the Commodore at least two weeks prior to the scheduled date of the annual meeting

Ad Hoc

Communications/Events: Chair - Virginia Gresham

Upcoming Club Events

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