Deer Isle Yacht Club

Sylvester Cove, Sunset, Maine

Lessons Instructors

All sailing lessons are supervised by at least one US Sailing-certified instructor; the instructor may be supported by one or more assistant instructors.

Instructor certification is available through US Sailing to sailors starting in the calendar year they turn 16.

Sailing Counselor certification is available through US Sailing to sailors starting in the calendar year they turn 14.

Investing in and achieving US Sailing certification is both challenging and rewarding and opens the door to employment opportunities (some paid) at DIYC and elsewhere but requires off-season (beginning no later than March) planning and work.

In some cases, DIYC is able to support instructors pursuing/maintaining certification financially.

Sailors ages 13+ interested in learning more about becoming an instructor should make their interest known to the Rear Commodore at, ideally by January/mid-February.

Useful Links

General sailing lessons information (public)

Additional information for DIYC members (login required)

Program contacts

Spencer Dickinson III, Rear Commodore (responsible for club programs including lessons and racing)

Sarah Dickinson, Instruction Committee Chair

Upcoming Club Events

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